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Best Quotes of KHInsider 2.0



Hell yeah
Jul 5, 2015
The other thread closed and I don't care, let's keep immortalizing any and all quotes that you find "funny, witty, or good in any manner." :D
If you have anything to contribute, post it on this thread! I'll update the OP whenever I can.

sorry, fellas, these mods are clods

This is so beautiful for a thread that usually involved eating people

Launchpad said:
playing as Riku during KH1 would be lame. What does he even do?

Objective: Get Alice while Sora is fighting cards!
Objective: Steal Princess Jasmine!
Objective: Run away from Sora w/ Pinocchio!
Objective: Get your ass kicked!



Larxene012 said:
i also noticed Kairi wears pink in kh2. i know its something small, but it seems odd for Kairi to suddenly change from her purple/white design over to her pink one (resembling Aerith's pink outfit) possibly to show how the confusion between Aerith and Kairi being princess of heart.
Launchpad said:
me and larxene012 will be playing this game together, actively writing all the reasons why the game is shit whilst playing it. that writing will be uploaded...

The smell of darkness is like Vexen smoking pot.

Pandymint said:
DarkGreyHeroine said:
Ohhh, well, I still do that, since I'm a Seeker of (a certain) Darkness ~

The darkness of Italian mans skin

Ansem versus Guardian.


Conclusion: Wakka's pants are the X-Blade.

*prepares urban sombrero*

square can fix DDD's framerate issues, but can they stop liberal nincompoops from taking my guns away????

I am Tetusya Nomura. I know all.

Now, let me talk to you about my cats.

Luna was pretty goddamn curvy in one shot of that trailer. I likes it. I likes it a lot. The booty will help immerse me into the expanding world of FFXV, and more relate to Noctis in his quest to court this fine young bootyqueen.

Hrm Audo maybe a visual metaphor for my Ansem stuff be better?

Spoiler Spoiler Show

You know that sounded all a lot less erotic in my head....

Oh *slaps forehead*, of course you're right. I can already see the scene in my head.

Sora: "So the true mastermind behind it all was...Goofy?"
Aqua, Terra, Ventus, Riku & Kairi: 0_o
Mickey: "I feel so betrayed."
Yen Sid *stroking his beard*: "Impossible..."
Lea: "For real? You gotta be kidding me!?"

Goofy *cackles evilly": "Gawrsh, so fellas, I gotta say I have you all duped pretty well, huh? Now about this Y-blade..."
*Donald's index finger comes sticking up from below*: "X-blade!"
Goofy: "Yes, I knew that, my apprentice. Now what was I gonna do with it again?" *scratches head while looking goofy at the X-blade*

Vanitas: "Hmph, maybe use it as a toothpick?"
Xigbar/Braig: "As if Kiddo, better use it as a stylish surfboard."
Saix/Isa *deadpan*: "Yea, to surf directly into Kingdom Hearts."
Xemnas: "Indeeeeed..."
Xehanort: "I can't believe it..."
What does a character's possible sexuality have to do with muh epic laser sword opera stories?!

straining believability? my dude, all the worlds were a giant sandbox before KH Pangaea happened, people float in space and the only consequences are badass evil powers instead of suffocation and head imploding. 14 year olds can get shot point blank by sniper rifles and shotguns and be fine. animated armor taking vengeance, body snatching, 100 foot leaps and slicing skyscrapers in half.

believability is not only suspended; it has been reaction commanded to the underworld. also i think they just symbolically became the DI keyblade.

Joshua is from TWEWY and is gay. He literally is the Pink Crayon Warrior to Neku's (highly and most emphatically reluctant) blue/Black n' Blue. Then he ascended to the Rainbow Crayon.

no no riding a unicorn made of rainbows and dreams to wake his sleeping prince isn't that gay.


This could be a rare team-up world. Since it won't be combat related, it can be a Sora, Kairi and Riku romp fest.

YMX has stolen the voice of the kingdom, and the only way to get it back, is through SONG AND DANCE!


Nazo said:
Precisely. I want to see properly lighted/textured yaoi hands, please.

boku no riku

i'm sorry, but did this pokemon thread randomly become about sora topping riku

reimeille said:
Xehanort and Eraqus sticking the chess pieces up their noses and laughing for approximately 2 1/2 minutes.

Wow, haha. This is like watching the Amy's Baking Company episode of Kitchen Nightmares: at this point I'm just here for the drama. How far will Square go to alienate its North American fanbase. Does Tetsuya Nomura claim to speak cat? Tune in next week!

Spoiler Spoiler Show

Ansem: "Hey, can I come in?"
Riku: "Still no."
Ansem: *is sad and somehow shocked by the answer*

How exactly is that so funny?
Don't you know what a Mary Sue is, or...?
Ya, a girl from the 40's and 50's.

Makes you wonder which kind of "eternal session" they're having.
Will there be a romantic dinner? CANDLES? CAMPFIRES?!?!??!

face touching is guaranteed
chuman said:
chaser: cyberbullying and cheese curds
someone else: mentions MLP
chaser: this isn't the place for that discussion, this is your only warning

the hero we need but certainly don't deserve

chuman said:
captain germany: civil war

launchpad: sometimes i wanna punch you in your perfect dick
launchpad: i thought i was your friend
BlackOsprey said:
Whoa, nice find!

Er... which Coat Guy is this? The one who held the dandelions or the one that doesn't give af about the apocalypse?
It was the one who doesn't give af about the apocalypse :)
Yay darkness

I'd also like a good KH rhythm game for once. ie one that I can play without nearly dying of shame.
Swim this way, we'll dance and we'll play~
My heart is dying and bleeding and I love Kingdom Hearts ;_;
chuman said:
lmao terra is in the realm of dorkness. OH. SEE YA, you rockheaded loser.
*storms in*

Everything is perfect forever.

*storms out*

Don't say that because I'm pretty sure this forum is filled with supermodels who are always the prettiest people in the world.

Lead by me of course.

Victor said:
maybe instead of being a piece of shit you can stop playing your pirated games and get a job you leech on society

No matter how long the world/game, I will play that sexy game 9 times in a row and never get rid of it.
Will probably take me 7 hours or something to fully complete the game because I will just walk around like I'm taking drugs and be like

Guys, you're looking into this way too deep.

The hourglasses obviously represent Skittles.



"Take a shot whenever there's fishlips"


Chuman said:
i'll be shoving taco bell down my throat while wearing war paint in a quiet NJ parking lot

Why do the gays ruin everything?

Wish you were here:
Who? The Master?
Nah, the Apocalypse!

What I got from this thread:

6th Apprentice: I have good news for you, my master. War has begun.

MoM: Excellent. Everything is going as planned.


Ira: I have to admit that without the Keyblade Wielders, it would have not been a victory.

Ava: Victory? Victory you say? Master Ira, not victory. The shroud of the darkness has fallen. Begun the Keyblade War has.

In the first cutscene of KH3, Xehanort eviscerates Sofia. It's incredibly grotesque and bloody. She screams until her last breath... The action is both incredibly bold and flashy.

idk man, this is Kingdom Hearts AND Disney. Do I need to pull out how many times minors have been killed/almost killed in Kingdom Hearts alone?

Bridge of Terabithia looked like a fun walk in the forest and it left me hollowed out for a month because of the girl dying like 15 minutes before the credits. Anything can happen. ANYTHING.

Let us not forget human experimentation, throwing a child into SPACE just to see if hypothesis would be proven true, child kidnapping, abuse, homicide...

Children are dying in chi right now!

Pooh had an existential crisis!

It'd be the best trip down terrible-Bleach memory lane. =D

if by "dark firaga" you mean funny looking goatblade/metaphorical evil spockboner, then yes, my man Mistah J got iced by a dark firaga. what a terrabled way to go.

You are so wrong! Ephemera is a cactus! Skuld is a squid! And the Player is a drop of water!

Griewer said:
Nothing like another discussion (argument) about what Nomura meant by that one moment or that other glimpse. Who needs a Keyblade War if you can have a Fandom War! The war between the 13 Seekers of Romance and 7 Guardians of Friendship!
And it all started... with a papou fruit. <_<
clearly king muke has spoken and so it shall be done as it is written

The Edict of Muke: "denied ."

Just stop it, Nomura! You treat people's theories like they are just bottles on a shelf but there not!
That gay ball of cotton candy and ice cream swirls should not be able to stand and support itself on those legs.
It is! There are goofy scenes, humor, romance, but also scenes that make my heart doki doki from sadness. :(
KHI´s forum insanity is like the Realm of Darkness for me: it`s surroundings start slowly corrupting you heart and mind, and you are attacked by hordes of lennys.
VoidGear said:
It's not like the lighting makes him smarter, so no, you're def. not alone.
the smell of donuts make me remember how much I love donuts
Audo said:
remember how riku would've touched sora's face

remember how riku and sora duet together and the song is literally dearly beloved

remember how riku and sora's combined keyblade has a paopu keychain

remember how kh3d was so gay its colour scheme was literally pink and it ended with sora and riku hugging three times

i never forget. kh3d is awesome lol
you all are godless heathens.

I'll admit, I had always pictured Terra-Xehanort tossing a Shadow a rock and then making a "Hmmm" face over his notes.
And then Braig comes along in usual troll style with an even bigger rock and instead of tossing it he throws it so that the Shadow is squashed flat against the floor or a wall.
Even is about to scold him for messing up the outline of the current experiment and breaking a specimen when the Shadow comes out from under the rock in its actual "shadow" form, leading to Xehanort and Ienzo scribbling notes about "is impervious to damage by physical attacks from thrown objects" while Even just gawks. xD

Then Braig gives one Heartless they dubbed "Mike" a plugged in toaster. Mike goes antennae-all-wiggly and pokes the toaster, but once realizing it isn't alive loses interest only for the toasts to plop out a moment later startling it.
Mike of course also doesn't eat the toasts.
Cue Xehanort and Ienzo noting: "do not eat normal human food."

Braig leaves and forgets to unplug the toaster, leading eventually to a fire inside "Mike's" cell which it as a Heartless of course also survives.
Xehanort and Ienzo note: "Is impervious to normal fire" while Braig notes to never forget unplugging the toaster again, memories of that eventually leading to a specific exchange between Xigbar and Roxas in Days. ;P
it's so good that the kh fandom cycles through the exact same discussions every few weeks.
makes it very easy for newcomers
VoidGear said:
Get real.
A Roxas Dream Eater would get itself killed by the other DEs in mere seconds for constantly bitching around anyways.
Taochan said:
Except I do know that's what's going to happen. Because nobody in the business of anything is going to intentionally hire someone who is incompetent. They may indeed hire a female director that doesn't work out; but it won't be because she's a female. So writing off diversity for the sake of "maybe they won't be a good hire" is…well, stupid. That's a risk regardless of if you're going for a diversity hire or not.

I just kinda hate when people argue against initiatives like this using that flimsy logic. No one cares when a white male is hired for anything and turns out to be a bad choice, but God forbid anybody tries to give women/people of color a shake in a field that they don't typically get a fair shot in.

Representation is important, and having a story about a woman told by other women should be celebrated, not scrutinized.
excuse you sir this is a sora x riku thread
, excuse YOU sir. Sora and Riku are CLEARLY in the picture...they just invited some friends over for an eight-way.
The doggos better not die please or I'll break my game disc.
[the FFXV trailer] feels like a more focused version of a KH opening.
Directed by Hideo Kojima.
Woops, wrong titans.
Aqua's hair in the 0.2 opening looks like blue sour gummi strips and I really want to bite just one strand...but I know it's a lie her hair is just hair no matter how much it looks like candy. Just like crisco looks like cream but tastes and smells awful in reality...
Can [October 27th] be known as the "Day of Kingdom Hearts Hype" from now on? Thanks.
I still think pumpkin anything is weird.
I've seen people make pumpkin spice soaps and lasagna. I feel somewhere down the line we've crossed a line somewhere with our weird pumpkin fetishes.
All protagonists die.
-> Tao is okay.

All non-main characters die.
-> Tao is okay.

Dog gets hurt.
-> Tao flies over to Japan for some business.
Sometimes I don't want to think my favorite character is displayed as being gay
guys i dont really want to imagine my favorite character being gay... because he's a cartoon mouse you godless heathens. soriku 4 lyfe
"We'll produce a bad anime, mobile spinoff games, a cgi movie, a VR version of the game, add online multiplayer, sell beach towels, condoms, and coffee, but we're not sure we want to add a GIRL to the gameplay; we'll see if the demand is there."
i put in years of quality content on this stupid bullshit website and not even one of you makes me into a cake? as if dude
woo, we're all going to hell
Pinocchio: What the hell? My nose just hella grew
Have you ever even played this series, Mater Sporkaderp?!

- genocide
- suicide
- Boku no Riku
- child abuse
- Goofy abuse
- creepy old man removing the shirt off a ten-year old boy
- more child abuse
- mind rape
- Pete's zipper

Even Xehanort's hand are enough to give this series an M rating!

"He's a sexy guy with a sexy voice." - David Gallagher, MTV 2005

We live by this creed on KHI.
Excuse me I'm gonna go squee to the infinite.

......But if they were gonna have a 1v1 Riku would most definitely give Sora the hands and there's nothing Donald's self-healing can do about it
I don't know why, but I'm finding the scenery of Riku kicking Sora's booty into next week and Donald healing himself with a stern face in the background really funny.
It would undoubtedly be the darkest day in KH history. Xehanort be damned.
This is true darkness. When Ansem called for the Darkness to his aid at the end of KH1, instead of black shadows crawling behind the doors, there should have been pages and comments full of hatred fueled by shipping wars. Since "what else is darkness but hate and rage?"
Phil of the Future would not stand for Xehanort's scheme

You know, honestly, I'm so tired of this nonsense. I come here every day, for years and years mind you, and almost every single day I see a shit show like the sad string of posts above. It just.
It BLOWS my mind that you guys can just be posting about all these irrelevant ass movies, honestly, like did any of you consider for just one second, that maybe it would be incredibly obvious THAT YOU FORGOT THE FEATURE FILM THAT CAME OUT IN THEATRES, THE LIZZIE MCGUIRE MOVIE, hoooooly shit you guys, there's this whole duality plot between Lizzie and Isabella that would be a perfect parallel to all the doubles and nobody imagery. Like, good god. Who are you people?
Go on Cinderella, go and be gay.
Does that mean that if a character dons the "Saturday Night Fever"-pose we can expect John Travolta to be in KH wielding the Discoblade or if there's someone sitting with his hands crossed before his mouth that Gendo Ikari will show up?
Relix said:
That's another thing that I'd like to talk about with you fellow kh intellectuals *grabs folding chair and turns it around to be hip*
anonymous said:
The exceedingly skilled in magic attacks, Aqua. Having enemies eat a [Thunder]
related spell in the face could leave them in an electrocuted state!
Master Xehanort learns the true meaning of Christmas and becomes a good guy. Everyone instantly forgives him, and the game ends with Xehanort and Sora skipping merrily across a field of flowers as it rains kittens and gumdrops.
we're gonna have the best replacement for Mickeycare, believe me folks. Selective cure spells on other hard working Disneymericans. Who's this guy? I don't believe this guy, crooked tron. Derezzing 30,000 programs. Get em out of here, I have a lot of respect for the Master Control Program, he would NEVER rig the election. Believe me folks.
Guys, Back Cover exists for one reason and one reason only. To build hype for Skuld Returns: Kingdom Hearts, which will be bundled with KH V-Cast HD and Kingdom Karts for Kingdom Hearts 2.9 HD Remix Midchapter Crisis.
Also yes. Azby was but a young boy when the heartless took him... Now he spends his days making chicken for the Organization.
Spoiler Spoiler Show

Luxu observes everything... and we mean EVERYTHING. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Chuman said:
I forgot my Twitter Facebook.

Noir said:
I actually saw a screenshot and thought, "Wow, what the hell is this shit."

Now that I've seen the trailer, I'm like "ayyyyyyyy, what the hell is this shiiiiiiiiiiiiit."

That's positive, if I remember my youth lingo correctly.
KingOfHearts said:
Maybe they should have focused on their unfinished story instead of trying to make Ignis' meals photo realistic?
Ansem's Report 2 and 3 quarters:
It is my duty to expose what this darkness really is. I shall conduct the following experiments:

Make the subject play ENG version of Unchained X.
Cultivate the darkness from the subjects' rage towards SENA.

The experiment caused the test subject's heart to collapse, including those of the most wealth. How fragile our hearts are!
My treatment produced no signs of recovery. I confined those who had completely lost their shit beneath the castle.

Some time later, I went below and was greeted by the strangest sight. Creatures that seemed born of darkness... What are they? Are they truly sentient beings? Could they be the shadows of those who lost their shit in my experiments? Or maybe I should have put a bathroom down here? I mean, they look horrible and it's really shitty in here. Actual shitty. I'll have Aeleus clean this place later.
pandymint said:
If they're old enough to bleed, they're old enough to read.

pandymint said:
I named my chicken sandwich in honor of your chocobo.
MoM be like
"haha it was just my diary containing fanfiction where grown ups seduce 1 year old boys #akuroku"
would explain their shock imo.
Pfft, lol, so it's just the MoM's collection of FanFics of questionable quality with huge NSFW themes?

MoM: "Psh, y'know, that's actually my secret porn and dirty Fanfic stash and since I've actually secretly shipped you with both Gula and Invi for quite a while there are quite some gems in there!"
Luxu in a horrified tone: "But why?"
MoM: "Dude, check out the meaning of your name."
kh seems very averse to having the x in names sound like x's these days.

i wonder if luxord is actually pronounced lushord
It's actually pronounced Throatwobbler Mangrove.
Why is every quote of mine about the gaysâ„¢?
I believe that inside the MoM's box is an embarrassing snapshot of Spongebob at the Christmas party.
Xemnas found Xion wasn't very handy to have in the Organization.~

Eh, I don't think it's that bad. But Xion does look like she's struggling a lot over there. Someone oughta give her a hand (ba dum tss)

You covered up Xion, too.
But that's okay, she's nobody.

Bufferino said:
donald didnt cast curaga when sora sacrificed himself

love how they are using sora and riku to represent valentines lol

The war is still alive, folks!
I think we ought to extend our arms to SE: our dialogue really got out of hand regarding their mistake-- there's never any need to point fingers; especially considering the fact that they have us in their palm with their franchise-- their games are always two thumbs up and we always hand them our money
Holy shit

at first I was like ha but then I was like nah then the end had me all whaaa
Void is just showing she's still the greatest and we're all plebs.
I will forever remember the Hotdog Zord. Best dream.

When I was younger I didn't usually remember my dreams (save for Hotdog Zord~) but as I got older I've been remembering them more. Maybe because my dreams got weirder.

To list a few:
Seto Kaiba growing kaiju-sized to fight a bunny girl mech. Kaiba fought with love beams.

I'm driving a sixteen wheeler on Snake Way while Bullet Bills are firing at me, but fortunately Bayonetta is on the roof shooting them all down, while dancing.

And for last night, myself, TheJWittz, Team Galactic, Guzma, and the Planeteers had to go through an obstacle course. At one point we had to swing across through a whole bunch of ropes, Cyrus of Team Galactic messed with the ropes and Guzma started being hanged, but I rescued him. Then we had a mine cart level which shot us into a frozen island. Then we all had to buy cakes and bread at a haunted mansion. Guzma was being chased by grocery carts.

Then I woke up.
I hope Guzma survived the carts.
I would love for Cup Noodle and Ariana Grande to make an appearance.

Roxas looks like he got stung by Queen Buzzerfly.
I shower only after I sin, which is everyday.

kingdom hearts 1 was trash and unnecessary. no one needed kh to be a thing. it is cynical anime crossover corporate disney trash fanfic that exists entirely to prop up the ips of its respective companies. it has no soul and no merit. stagger animations.
New chapter is out and it's probably one of the most f'ed up chapters in a long while. o_O I love it.
Well, guess I'll never have a good quote then because half the things I say have so sense of logical value whatsoever. (exaggerated crying face)

Spockpad said:
I wish I could find a man like Launchpad irl. Nobody is funny and cool like him-- he is very verbose and eloquent; his Kingdom Hearts discussion (the thing I value most in a person) is both succinct and very enthralling. He really gets the game balance which makes me like him-- unfortunately he is very far from me. Where are the Launchpads in California???
Quoting the quote threader's quote on the quote thread. ~
It really is amazing what humans can create. [Goofy x Axel] is the product of millions of years of evolution.
i got rid of anagram and I WILL DO THIS TO YOU...

I hope they add GOOFY MOVIE
Marry me.
I'm still not sure what to make of the MoM's personality. Not sure Deadpool-in-a-black coat was the appropriate way to go.


Will the next KHI Sings (your upcoming one) be as off-sync and small-scale as the last?
> Criticizes the longest running ongoing project KHI has ever had
> Has never participated or even asked to volunteer
> Has never even been a productive part of any project
> Wouldn't even know what he'd do if he was in charge
> Main reason he has never been in charge for anything
> Sucks at League
> Retarded

You're like one of those kids in a class who always has something to say about what the adults are doing but just sits there and plays with his dick and laughs at it because he's got nothing else to do.
I don't get why Kingdom Hearts doesn't have a dating sim spinoff yet. Select your main character, romance who you want, and whatever we want will be canon in our hearts
The most wonderful thing about Tiggers is that chuman is the only one, so once I put his fairy ass in the grave there will be no others
You two molesting keychains... What has this world come too?
KHX = Kingdom Hearts Beyblade. Xehanort points dramatically across the Beyblade Graveyard, shouting "Let it Rip!"
Guys, guys I know who it is! Take some letters from Billy Zane and rearrange it and you get Blaine! It means that Billy will reprise the role he couldn't live without, Ansem SoD. Ansem leaves his body once again to go back in time and infiltrate the unions as one of the leaders. Disguised as the dark, silent hero, loner type he knows that these stereotypes will prevent the others from getting close to him. Giving 'Blaine' the perfect cover that no one will question! It's ingenious xD Mwahahahaha!
So remember folks if you need materials you need to wait until Staterday i think thats right after fratterday
*In Yen Sid's voice*
It's a pathway of self discovery that you tread. To find Riku's perfection within a single 512 x 512 photo will indeed be a daunting task. You must let go of your feelings of fangirlism to see beyond; the pure essence of Riku. Only then will your heart lead you to the Riku avatar you seek.
Great know I'm thinking it..

*It's KFC night
Gula is getting another helping of mashed potatoes.
Ava is dipping chicken tenders in both honey mustard and BBQ sauce.
Invi is using utmost table manners and slightly dabbing her mouth with a napkin.
Ira and Aced are at each others throats for the last original recipe chicken leg.*
uh, i wouldnt say he is closer to his kh1 characterization now.

he's a beautiful gay sap now, and not the rude closeted anger teen he used to be.

let him spread his wings.
Go Pikachu, use Triple Double Crunchwrap!!
"Ah yes, the fabled Baja Blast Freeze technique, Sadahiko-Senpai. How powerful it is to blow away part of the continent."
who, in your opinion, is best girl in ffxv? does noctis even have a driver's license? is the real reason the empire remains in pursuit of noct because he keeps breaking traffic laws?
the potential scenario of terra being manipulated by a character that only says "noot noot" is incredibly pleasing to me
When Terra gets possessed by Xehanort, he has a penguin's face and can only say Noot Noot. All his vessels share these two traits.
If this was all a dream than Sora must have been smoking some good stuff that day

Well we had one hooded figure look like Ansem, one look like Sora, one look like Kairi, and one that was literally Riku.

By progress of elimination the MoM looks like Goofy and Luxu looks like Donald.
I would like to see the Kurt Zisa heartless again....and maybe a 1000 Kurt Zisa heartless battle.
The Master of Masters looks like Chuman and Luxu looks like Launchpad. I heard it from Jose Alamo so I must be correct.

I think Chuman smoked the MoM's dandelions again.

Chuman is the hero Gotham deserves and the one it needs.

Both of these are false, noffense.

There's just something about having one of the most loved cartoon characters in history ready to brutally murder a beautiful anime man.
If the Days movie was true to the game, it would just be 3 hours of Roxas fighting Ruler of the Skies.
Muke said:
it just occured to me that frollo had the hardest boner in history. it was the boner that burned down paris, like wow dude
I understand what he said wasn't nice, but can we just take a second to laugh at you highlighting his Hades avatar and writing "flaming"
Nomura: If you remember, after the battle Xion dissolved and her memories returned to Sora. When the Fairies gave Sora his new clothes at the beggining of KH II, they awoke those very memories, that's why Sora's clothes look like Xion's Final Form. *laughs*

what if the toy story keychain turned Sora into a really dumb looking toy robot
Last edited:


Hell yeah
Jul 5, 2015
(damn I actually had to use this)
Coco being playable is really cool and all, but why does she look like the rejected 4th member of The Chipettes?

They would be sent to the Home For Infinite Losers
And a smaller Tawna bust size, what?! Fan rage, my furry queen must be exactly the same as the original in every way that she represented an animal pamela for a 5 year old to swoon over, noooooooooo- I don't actually care I'm just glass she's in the game haha.
But if he strikes him, Yen Sid will become more powerful than he could ever imagine.
Don't you see? Everything has become Dark Souls. Crash Bandicoot is the Dark Souls of Mario. Farming Simulator is the Dark Souls of Stardew Valley. Demon Souls is the Dark Souls of Dark Souls 3. It's all Dark Souls, all the time.
Y'all forgetting the real MVP

Oh please he was asking for it. look at that face. He was practically screaming "oh yes, give me the sweet release of death daddy".
-Sora's name is japanese for sky, in the game Sonic & The Black Knight Sonic was granted the title of "Knight of the Wind" so there's a correlation in names.

-Sonic used to live on South Island (setting of his 1st game) so it's not too farfetched for him to move to another island.

-Sonic & Sora have similar body proportions IE short stature, oversized hands & feet.

-Sora's mom was voiced by Kath Soucie, who was also the voice of Princess Sally Acorn, Sonic's love interest in the comics and tv show. Ergo, Sally is Sora's mom.

*TMI warning*-As for how a hedgehog and a squirrel girl can even have a human offspring: it was revealed at one point in the comics continuity that all mobians were genetically half-human/half-whichever species because of nuclear techno-babble mumbo-jumbo & that's the in-universe reason for the Sonic cast being bipedal & able to talk & what not. (No seriously, this was an actual thing that happened). Thus, while their hedgehog & squirrel genes are compatible, their human-hybrid genes were & produced a human child.

So yeah, I've put thought into this.
you merely adopted the win. I was born in it, molded by it
wtf is up with Yuu and fighting games? It's like all he wants to do is kick ass or get his ass kicked.
Or dance.
Now THIS is a diddlying options menu. Custom controls, camera distance from character, directional orientation. All that and a based waifu to boot.

TL;DR: Plagiarize Nier Automata to completion and I will blow you from dusk ‘till dawn.


best writing
Ansem really needs to stop using Axe deodorant.
I think You mean Axel deodorant

redcrown said:
Your heathen ramblings trigger me.

We'll play as Ven sleeping in the chair.

Press X to snore.

ovafaze said:
Grizzly said:
ovafaze said:
I wish I was an avenger
don't we all, inb4 Asa "i'd rather be in the justice league"
*beating the shit out of Thanos* Asa: "sorry man, my dad's calling, I guess earth is diddlyed, later guys"

The third tweet made me believe that the MoM is actually Noctis and the Book of Prophecies is just a book filled with Ignis's recipehs

Ardyn is a fruitcake of daemons. Unfortunately. I blame the Astrals. Smh. He could have been the purest fluffiest chocolate cake of good intentions.

maryadavies said:
I hope [category 5 hurricane Irma, "Probably the worst storm in decades"] doesn't hit Disneyland in Florida.

Real friends fight the forces of darkness together.

Real friends give you huuuuugs.

Real friends are harder to find...QAQ *cries internally*

but doesnt that emote mean you're crying externally? broh i am confusion

To be fair, Void does have seniority on Vani so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The Empire Strikes Back. Sora is up against his back. A looming figure appears. He tries to scramble away, but the figure continues to approach. With a heavily garbled voice through their heavy breathing, they say only one thing. The biggest revelation to ever hit Kingdom Wars.

"Sora, dinner's ready."
I'm just sitting here SHOCKED at you guys.
How DARE you assume their genders like that.

Xemnas sexually identifies as a giant flying mecha dragon, therefore he's the best by default.
Followed closely by Ansem who sexually identifies as a giant space station.
Also, I can totally see MoM being the type to push people together for his own amusement. Yo Aced and Ira, clean up the whole room, shirtless, master's orders okay. You know they'd do it too. "Can't question the totally not suspicious definitely a good guy master, let's obey his every order this can't possibly go wrong" – everyone in Back Cover

Catcake, I like your mind.

i relate to chain of memories because i forget a lot of stuff and i think i killed them. oh god, i know i did, jesus christ i’m so, so sorry.

on the real tip i’d like to think i’m the sora because i have big diddlyin feet, i’m short as hell also i’m sort of a goof. but there’s also some riku because i had an edgy phase where i was super unlikable before puberty hit, but now i’m sort of alright. oh yeah, and AtW is like a really prejudiced father that makes riku do everything at the cost of his own well-being. imagine DiZ yelling racist shit out a car window, hoo boy. i need a break
The World Ends Wtih You Final Remix I.3 Prologue to TWEWY 2/prequel with Knucles and Dante in HD

Someone had to. ;~;
Don't forget it's New Funky Mode!
Ventus is Sora's throat baby?
Possible future EX medals:
-Sora stabbing himself
-Maleficent being stabbed by Riku-Ansem
-Vexen on fire
-Eraqus fading into Terra's arms
-Terra-Xehanort choking Aqua
-Goofy getting hit in the head with a rock

End said:
Well I smacked peoples sodas out of their hands and told them to clean it up within 60 seconds or they'll die.

Inasuma said:
I love my boobies wrist band. I hit chicks boobs with it to prevent the spread of cancer

Launchpad said:
I wanna type something snarky and quick witted but I can already feel Chuman's musky energy coursing through this thread so I will allow him this (much needed) victory
Lonbilly said:
Oh sure, Jared Hester here asks to meet Nomura and Square obliges but I ask to meet Nomura and I'm "disrupting the meeting" and "need to put my clothes back on" and "violating the restraining order."
Chuman said:
hoo boy, the jared hester? OOH HOO HOO HOOOOOOO BOY

if the playable character is goofy i will personally jack you off with oven mitts that read “welcome to khi”
Gosoxtim, I appreciate you agreeing with me but once again I have no idea what you are trying to say here.



I'm sorry, I can't I shouldn't. This is madness.
I'm not going to succumb to this nonsense.
When I think of Riku being a cat, I think of tacos. When I think of tacos I think of cats.When I think of tacos and cats, I think of tacocat. When I think of tacocat, I spell it backwards. When I spell tacocat backwards, it spells tacocat.
Riku: hey Sora remember that time we shared a romantic deep bond fruit to tie our souls together forever lol what silly kids we were lol its not like I really like you that way anyway right lol no homo right.
It’s been in my sig since yesterday. I love that post so much.

Also now I want KH3 to have a flashback where Sora and Riku share a paopu on the beach as kids.
How beautifully observed! I feel the same about this... and honestly, this fact warms my heart every time I think about how it all began in KH1, under an innocent pure tone
and I'll leave this here
All worlds begin in romance, and all so end.
The heart is no different. Romance sprouts within it, it grows, consumes it! Such is its nature.

I will show you the wonders of RWBY my young padawan who is older than me.

You got it!


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DarkGrey Heroine

How much closer could I be?
Jan 29, 2015
There are goofy scenes, humor, romance, but also scenes that make my heart doki doki from sadness. :(
- Prince Hemmo in a nutshell
KHI´s forum insanity is like the Realm of Darkness for me: it`s surroundings start slowly corrupting you heart and mind, and you are attacked by hordes of lennys.
- corrupted pure prince needs to be on this list too someday
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red gay
Jun 6, 2015
Audo said:
remember how riku would've touched sora's face

remember how riku and sora duet together and the song is literally dearly beloved

remember how riku and sora's combined keyblade has a paopu keychain

remember how kh3d was so gay its colour scheme was literally pink and it ended with sora and riku hugging three times

i never forget. kh3d is awesome lol

It's been some time ago, but this has to be memorized forever.


Moist with roistering
Jan 16, 2012
I'll admit, I had always pictured Terra-Xehanort tossing a Shadow a rock and then making a "Hmmm" face over his notes.

And then Braig comes along in usual troll style with an even bigger rock and instead of tossing it he throws it so that the Shadow is squashed flat against the floor or a wall.
Even is about to scold him for messing up the outline of the current experiment and breaking a specimen when the Shadow comes out from under the rock in its actual "shadow" form, leading to Xehanort and Ienzo scribbling notes about "is impervious to damage by physical attacks from thrown objects" while Even just gawks. xD

Then Braig gives one Heartless they dubbed "Mike" a plugged in toaster. Mike goes antennae-all-wiggly and pokes the toaster, but once realizing it isn't alive loses interest only for the toasts to plop out a moment later startling it.
Mike of course also doesn't eat the toasts.
Cue Xehanort and Ienzo noting: "do not eat normal human food."

Braig leaves and forgets to unplug the toaster, leading eventually to a fire inside "Mike's" cell which it as a Heartless of course also survives.
Xehanort and Ienzo note: "Is impervious to normal fire" while Braig notes to never forget unplugging the toaster again, memories of that eventually leading to a specific exchange between Xigbar and Roxas in Days. ;P
~ ~


Nov 30, 2014
VoidGear. said:
Get real.
A Roxas Dream Eater would get itself killed by the other DEs in mere seconds for constantly bitching around anyways.
i cant ahahahha