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Wolf's Rain: Paradise Awaits Us (OOC / SIGN-UPS)

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New member
Apr 24, 2009
Wolf's Rain: Paradise Awaits Us

"They say there's no such place as Paradise.
Even if you searched to the ends of the Earth, there's nothing there.
No matter how far you walk, it's always the same road; it just goes on and on.
But, in spite of that, why am I so driven to find it?
A voice calls to me, and says: "Search . . . for Paradise." "
- Kiba


[FONT=&quot]The world has long been rid of wolves, and the legend of Paradise, a world where wolves were to rein supreme, fell to myth.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] Their undoing lay at the hands of their own creation: the man-folk or more commonly known as humanity.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] There have been humans that have attempted to replicate Paradise, though all their efforts were in vain.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] As it is said in myth, only wolves will open the true Paradise, and the scent of Lunar Flowers will guide them to it.[/FONT]


[FONT=&quot]The land lays divided amongst the three feuding Noble families, each effectively instating their control amongst the continent. Due to the tensions between the families, periods of warfare are not uncommon, which can be attributed to the general instability of a great number of cities, omitting those under ‘special’ surveillance of a Noble. As the hostility between the Nobles begin to intensify, a shadow of uncertainty is cast over the land; however, as humanity is embossed in its self-inflicted chaos, rumors surge through the land of the reappearance of Lunar Flowers. The advent of Lunar Flowers only hold connection to one thing: the wolves existence. Many begin to ponder the tale of Paradise; that perhaps it isn’t merely a folk-tale. Regardless, a full moon approaches, and soon everything will be revealed…[/FONT]

(the following list does not constitute for the entire continent, but are essential to the role-play's progress)

[FONT=&quot]Freeze City - A[/FONT] city in the northern quadrant. It is surrounded by snow and is known for its internal conflicts with gangs and theft. Its marketplace offers a diversity of goods to its inhabitants and security from the local enforcers.

Aerial City – A city far south of Freeze City. While less crime ravaged, the city boasts its fair share of corruption. Possessing a higher social standard than Freeze City, the city is economically stable and bears an elegant design.

Northern Glaciers – Based in the northern quadrant, these icy mountains lay within the icy terrain commonly known for containing fierce blizzards. A military base once functioned below the peaks, though the base was abandoned due to the strong weather.

Denizen Island – An island linked to the Northern Glaciers by a tremendously long sea bridge, it is known for once being thought to contain the entrance to Paradise. Besides its underground sewage tunnels traveling through a majority of the continent, it is a city attributed with its common exportation.

Forest of Death- A forest which holds an abnormal electro-magnetic field that renders any technology futile and causes humans to easily lose their way.

Cave of the Forgotten – Located within the Forest of Death, none who enter have returned from it.

Desert's Bones - A vast desert covering much of the south-eastern region, it is said that people will find eternal happiness within its boundaries and are never to return. It is noted that the Hmong tribe village is stationed nearby.


[FONT=&quot]Wolf[/FONT][FONT=&quot] - attributed with the creation of the first man-beasts and former denizens of Paradise, their numbers have dwindled significantly due to human settlement. They are now assumed to be extinct, though recent rumors imply the contrary. During their existence, they were known to hide themselves under the guise of humanity through deception; for some of their ancestors, this state became permanent…

[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Human[/FONT][FONT=&quot] - creations of the wolves themselves, these man-beasts have forgotten their origins and continue to exist in ignorance. They are responsible for the mass extinction of wolves, and are the main populace of the land. A select few are capable alchemists.

[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Hanabito[/FONT][FONT=&quot] - humanoid creatures formed from Lunar Flowers, they carry its scent and attract wolves to their vicinity. While only few remain, amongst them is the Flower Maiden, who is said to guide the way to Paradise. Some are known to possess mystical powers.



Race: (Wolf (pre-human), Human, Hanabito)
Appearance: (If creating a template for a wolf, include wolf's appearance in addition to your human appearance)
Equipment: (Your character's inventory. Though technology is modern-day esque, it is not limited to things such as swords and other medieval weaponry.)
Abilities: (This applys only to Hanabito and Humans; Humans are alchemists (think FMA), and Hanabitos are more-or-so are mainly attributed with healing powers, however, for the benefit of the role-play, offensive magic is allowed.)


1) Participants must submit a post at least every three days unless given notice of a prolonged period of absence in which case it is tolerated.

2) Posts must, at the minimum, consist of one paragraph. Poor literacy is frowned upon.

3) God-modding and power-playing is prohibited.

4) Machine-gun posting is prohibited.

5) Romance is to be kept in accordance to the forum's rules.


To those wishing to play as a wolf, you will begin the role-play as a human, ignorant of your true wolf ancestry. After the first few posts, I will alert you on this thread as well as on RP thread of the full moon's presence, thus allowing your character to initiate his/her wolf transformation. (On a lesser note: the issue of clothing is inconsistent; your human appearance is defined by your deception of the human mind, thus you won't be 'nude')

[FONT=&quot]Unique Positions[/FONT]

This role-play offers its role-players the option of playing an exclusive and important role mandatory for the role-play to progress. These positions are crucial to the plot and require a higher degree of activity as well as an adept writing talent. For those interested, ask me before submitting a template.
The roles are as follow:

[FONT=&quot]Flower Maiden[/FONT] (TAKEN)
A perfected Hanabito, created from the Lunar Flowers. Whether its birth was artificial or natural is insignifigant, for the Flower Maiden will guide the wolves to Paradise regardless.

[FONT=&quot]The Chosen One[/FONT]
A wolf chosen by the Flower Maiden, thus sharing a special bond with it. It is said this wolf will solely open the way to true Paradise. It is known to display incredible determination.


Rhapsody Flows / Suri

Raven / Yasei


Cloudwolf124 / Nick Frois

Archetype00x / Tammany

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New member
Apr 24, 2009
Name: Vincent Dystope

Race: Human

Age: 32

Personality: Vincent, once a man of radiant joy and prosperity, exists only as a former fragment of his old self. He is now bitter and vile, immersing in a cesspool of his own sorrow and hatred. His sadistic nature has developed his misanthropic outlook and unremorseful behavior. Vincent inhibits no burden for the outcome of his subjects or peers, only holding concern for the benefit of one’s self. Elegant and depraved in caliber, Vincent is the embodiment of immorality.

Appearance: Vincent, towering at a mighty 6’3, stands vivid and theatrical while in the presence of others. His face depicts a history of torment and anguish, with several stitches running across his face and head, of most prominence being one running vertically through his right eye, thus attributing his reliance on his remaining eye; a deep amethyst in color. In a mockery of an attempt to conceal his hideous disfigurement, Vincent adorns his face with thick make-up, somewhat resemblant of a clown’s cosmetic presentation. Rather gaunt in face, Vincent is a monstrosity to behold.His body is covered by a length purple cloak, his arms often dangling by his waist rather than fitted into his sleeves. Underneath his cloak lies a noble-man’s attire, consisting of pungent design and highly-valuable fabrics.

Equipment: Velva: A steel broadsword with a golden hilt, Vincent keeps ‘her’ sheathed at his side; it is littered with ancient hieroglyphics and its hilt is golden with the engraving of an owl visible.


Sustained Fluctuation: Vincent uses alchemy to impede the movement of the target, completely restricting its body. Any who are within the glowing circle are prone to its effect.

Shield of the Sanctuary: Vincent throws his hand forward, as if motioning one to stop. An alchemy sign materializes in thin air, serving as a barrier for any projectiles. Its radius is subject to Vincent's preference, though the larger the more energy is drained.

Dire Flash: Vincent aligns his hands next to one another, his thumbs and index fingers touching to form a figure somewhat resemblant of a triangle. An alchemy sign materiliazes, and from it emerges a devastating beam launching straight-forward at an alarming rate.

Unprecedented Elevation: Vincent slams his hands against one another, proceeding to slam one of them against the ground. The targeted terrain will be lifted upwards, functioning well for a blockade.

Blood Sacrifice: Vincent slashes Velva against his own palm, allowing the blood to drench the blade, thus enacting a significant effiency in the sword's lethality.


Will finish this up in the later hours.
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New member
Oct 8, 2007
who cares
do we have to know everything about this series to be apart of it?
i am vaguely familiar with the series but its been so long....so you know


New member
Apr 24, 2009
do we have to know everything about this series to be apart of it?
i am vaguely familiar with the series but its been so long....so you know

Not at all. A preordained knowledge isn't necessary to participate; you shouldn't have any problem making a character with the information I've established for you. If you have any questions or feel confused about something, feel free to ask.


New member
Oct 8, 2007
who cares
Alright here is my temp

Name: Nick Frois
Race: Wolf
Age: 24
Personality: Nick is a go getter kind of person he is pleasant to be around but can be a bitch to deal with when pissed off. He acts serious when he needs to but most of the time he's obnoxious and thrill seeking.
Wolf). http://www.testriffic.com/resultfiles/21509wolf.jpg
Equipment: http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k123/Berix/Role-Playing Characters/MasterSword.jpg
Bio: Nick grew up on the streets of freeze city he knew very little about his past for he had faced a traumatic experience resulting in the death of his parents. He thought his ability to change between Wolf and Human made him special but learned later he isn't the only one. it was then he learned of the paradise from a friend he met named Andrew Samuels but still isn't sure if traveling there is worth his time.
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New member
Apr 24, 2009
Alright here is my temp

Name: Nick Frois
Race: Wolf
Age: 24
Personality: Nick is a go getter kind of person he is pleasant to be around but can be a bitch to deal with when pissed off.
Appearance: http://api.ning.com/files/uppeAtAKg...KKS*FgX3PlaLad4wrqi/2349589392_056aeed51b.jpg
Equipment: http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k123/Berix/Role-Playing Characters/MasterSword.jpg

i will finish later. Its late i am tired and i have to go to church in the morning. expect it done by tomorrow afternoon/night by the latest

Sure. Take all the time you need. One thing: when you begin on finishing the remainder, be sure to expand on the personality bit as well.


Apr 15, 2007
Name: Tammany. Prefers Tam, or Manny.

Race: Hanabito.

Age: 17.

Gender: Female.

Personality: Tam is a puzzle, in that her behavior around others is very erratic. Her time among humans has not improved her social skills, and she is very distrustful of people in general. She keeps to herself, and if it is possible, does not speak to or interact with others. She places trust only in those whom she perceives as truly good, and have no intention to harm her - as a result, Tam does not have many friends. Even when she has come to know a person, human or wolf, she says little, and, on instinct, if she senses peril, she runs for it. That is not to say that Tam is not kind - quite the opposite. Beneath her layers of paranoia about the nature of all those besides her fellow Hanabito, lies a gentle young girl, capable of great generosity and love. It is unfortunate that, in the world she lives in, there are not so many others like herself who have the capability to bring out that part of her.

Appearance: Tammany is petite, but her fragile appearance belies athletic strength and agility. She has a slim but firm build, with the slightest of definitions in her arms and legs, and she stands at 5'5". Her skin is porcelain white, her eyes are the color of foxgloves, and her hair, straight and grown long, is a deep ebony. (Incomplete)




Will edit later.
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Dec 4, 2007
Replied. Looking forward to your template!

Here you go!


Suri (pronounced Shur-ree)


Appears to be around 9 or 10

Still a young girl, it's not surprising that Suri bears many traits belonging to that of a child: Somewhat immature and simple-minded, she has a naive outlook on life, belieivng that even the most complex questions can be answered without putting much thought into them. She's quite sensitive, but not to the point where she will automatically go up in tears if scolded at. She will, however, emit a small whimper if someone to whom she is close to scolds her harshly. She can be considered moody, as she is quick to anger. Those whom are short-tempered may find the girl to be too troublesome at times.

Suri is even known to bluntly disobey orders given to her by superiors, and if there's something she doesn't want to do because she finds it "boring," Suri will venture off to find something else that captures her attention. Another example of her childish nature is how she speaks: the girl always refers to herself in third-person when talking, and she also refers to people as either "Mr." or "Miss," depending on if she's talking to a male or female. She only states someone's full name once she properly knows him or her.

Suri does, however, have a soft side to her. She gets attached to the people she meets very easily, and is a very caring to those she's close to. She has a bubbly personality, most of the time cheerful and optimistic. Whenever someone she's familiar with is sad or depressed, she goes out of her way to cheer the person up by whatever means necessary. Because of her ability to easily sense when wolves are nearby, she has a strong bond with wolves and even canines. But this attraction is only normal towards wolves and Flower Maidens.

Because of her young age, Suri doesn’t stand that tall. She cannot remember exactly the last time she measured herself, but believes she is somewhere around 9 feet tall. Really. In actuality, the girl stands at around 4’5 feet, and has a lean figure, weighting in at about 90 or so pounds. However, because of the clothes she adorns, it's pretty much hard to tell her body physique just by looking at her. The young girl's skin complexion has a tannish tint to it, and blood-red irises give an odd color to the girl's eyes. She also has a thistle-like color to her hair, which a portion of is tied together in a small braid.

At first glance, it may seem like Suri bears nothing but an over-sized, light purple hooded-sweatshirt that continues just a little beyond her knees. The sweatshirt is simple, with no other designs or colors to it with the exception of two, light pink, vertical stripes that run down the side of the shirt, and pockets that are too big for the girl's hands. The sleeves of the hoodie cover mostly her whole arms and even her hands, with the exception of her petite fingers that manage to show. Under the long shirt she wears a pink spaghetti strap top, as well as a pair of blue jean shorts. For shoes, Suri wears almost knee high, grayish-purple boots with a grey colored sole and laces.

Flower Maiden or not, a young girl needs to protect herself when living alone and in a dangerous world. As a weapon, Suri carries around a metal plated staff/trident-like weapon. The weapon stands a little more than a foot higher than her. Not only does spear itself form a sharp, narrow point tip, but just a little ways below the stake, two other prongs extend outward on both sides of the spear, sort of like the way two points outstretch on a trident. Still young and inexperienced, Suri has yet to be a great or even an ok-ish fighter and is prone to making a few mistakes here and there.

The only known ability Suri has is healing, and even that could use a little work. For now she is able to only heal wounds that are not serious and life-threatening, but who knows how much her ability will grow throughout her journey to Paradise? The girl also possess a strong bond among wolves; not only can she sense a wolf's presence if it's nearby, but she is also able to somewhat share the emotions that wolves go through. For example, if a wolf happens to be overcome with sadness or pain, Suri will mentally feel a small taste of what the wolf is experiencing.

Though the small child is fully aware that she is the flower meant to lead the way to Paradise, Suri brushes off her duty like any young and naive kid would. She doesn't care too much about Paradise, though mostly it's because she doesn't have a lot of knowledge about the mystical place. Thus, Suri tries not to let on any information that she is a Flower Maiden or even familiar with the term.

Suri can make herself comfortable in any new area she encounters: she's very street-wise when it comes to the cities and has no problems blending herself in with the humans. She's observant of their nature, and has thus learned to converse in their language without difficulty. She's used to being alone most of the time, as she travels from place to place, not staying in one area for too long. Suri's nomadic nature spawns from feelings (or "instincts" as she sometimes calls them) that she encounters while entering an unfamiliar location. Although naive, Suri is not stupid - she knows that, in actuality, she is really being directed towards Paradise. Unable to ignore these persistent instincts of hers, she reluctantly follows wherever they take her.

The girl tries to not let on much information about her past, only stating that she was a naturally-born Lunar Flower. But more than anything, she hides (and desperately tries to forget) about her past encounter with a tall man adorned in a purple cape and intimidating makeup. After being captured by the male, she was cruelly experimented on for his own gain. Luckily, Suri was soon able to escape from the Noble, but she still carries a deep fear of the masked man, and areas with no source of light seem to trigger past memories of her time with the Noble. Out of pure fear, Suri will even go into a fetal position until she is permanently removed from the lifeless area.

The girl still does not fully understand why the man had done so many experimentations on her, but she does believe it has something to do with her being a Lunar Flower. Regardless, her time with the man was a nightmare - a nightmare she'd rather not relive again.

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New member
Apr 24, 2009
I've added your character to the first post. I'll be completing Vincent soon and then perhaps going on to work on a second template.


Break the Spell
May 18, 2007
Somewhere 2D
Here's my temp, tell me if anything needs to be changed.









Yasei is brash, arrogant, and has a cocky disposition that tends to get on other peoples' nerves. He can be difficult to get along with, and has a tendency to “do his own thing” when he should be helping out the people around him. However, this bold exterior all but dissipates in private, where a strong inferiority complex takes over. So far, he has managed to keep that side of himself well hidden.

Human Appearance

His eyes are a deep blue, and he has short and spiked, white hair. He wears long, baggy camo pants and a plain, white tank-top. A black, leather jacket is worn over it with a grunge rocker design on the back. The lobe of his right ear is pierced, as is the auricle and pinna of his left ear.

Wolf Appearance

Yasei has gleaming yellow eyes, just like all wolves, and a dark, black nose. His coat has the deep, white color that most people attribute to the noblest of wolves. However, there is also a large black stripe that extends from the tip of his noes all the way to the end of his tale. The piercings in his ears match those of his human form.


He carries twin Heckler & Koch P-30L's at his sides, hidden underneath the flaps his jacket. Under his left sleeve, he has a switchblade hidden in a special pocket that he had made in the back of of his right pant leg.


Yasei grew up without knowing his true parents. Ever since he could remember, he was brought up and raised by the leader of local gang in Freeze City. He taught the young boy all about life and the ways of the streets. He taught him how to steal, how to use a gun, and how to handle someone who crosses your path. He soon became a high ranking member of the gang, and there were few who had the status to oppose him. Yasei was known for his brutality in carrying out the group's “assignments”, as well as an uncanny sense of smell and sound.

When he was nineteen, the leader was killed by a rival gang. His replacement was announced the day after the funeral, and Yasei was happy that it was a man whom he was willing to call his brother. Afterwards, the new leader pulled Yasei aside and handed him an object that was supposed to be passed on to him. He unfolded the cloth that covered it, and in his hands sat a book. On it's cover, in large letters, were the words “Book of the Moon”. Yasei read the book over multiple times, but he could never figure out why the book was so important that the former leader felt the need to pass it on to him. All he read was a list of myths and legends.

In the coming months, Yasei found himself growing restless. It felt as if something was tugging on the end of his soul, and he couldn't figure out what it was. Then, one day, as he was walking along the crime-laden streets, an unfamiliar and nostalgic scent filled the air.
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New member
Apr 24, 2009
Here's my temp, tell me if anything needs to be changed.









Yasei is brash, arrogant, and has a cocky disposition that tends to get on other peoples' nerves. He can be difficult to get along with, and has a tendency to “do his own thing” when he should be helping out the people around him. However, this bold exterior all but dissipates in private, where a strong inferiority complex takes over. So far, he has managed to keep that side of himself well hidden.

Human Appearance

His eyes are a deep blue, and he has short and spiked, white hair. He wears long, baggy camo pants and a plain, white tank-top. A black, leather jacket is worn over it with a grunge rocker design on the back. The lobe of his right ear is pierced, as is the auricle and pinna of his left ear.

Wolf Appearance

Yasei has gleaming blue eyes, just like his human form, and a dark, black nose. His coat has the deep, white color that most people attribute to the noblest of wolves. However, there is also a large black stripe that extends from the tip of his noes all the way to the end of his tale. The piercings in his ears match those of his human form.


He carries twin Heckler & Koch P-30L's at his sides, hidden underneath the flaps his jacket. Under his left sleeve, he has a switchblade hidden in a special pocket that he had made in the back of of his right pant leg.


Yasei grew up without knowing his true parents. Ever since he could remember, he was brought up and raised by the leader of local gang in Freeze City. He taught the young boy all about life and the ways of the streets. He taught him how to steal, how to use a gun, and how to handle someone who crosses your path. He soon became a high ranking member of the gang, and there were few who had the status to oppose him. Yasei was known for his brutality in carrying out the group's “assignments”, as well as an uncanny sense of smell and sound.

When he was nineteen, the leader was killed by a rival gang. His replacement was announced the day after the funeral, and Yasei was happy that it was a man whom he was willing to call his brother. Afterwards, the new leader pulled Yasei aside and handed him an object that was supposed to be passed on to him. He unfolded the cloth that covered it, and in his hands sat a book. On it's cover, in large letters, were the words “Book of the Moon”. Yasei read the book over multiple times, but he could never figure out why the book was so important that he felt the need to pass it. All he read was a list of myths and legends.

In the coming months, Yasei found himself growing restless. It felt as if something was tugging on the end of his soul, and he couldn't figure out what it was. Then, one day, as he was walking along the crime-laden streets, an unfamiliar and nostalgic scent filled the air.

That's a very well-put together template. Bravo. One minor thing needs mending, though; all wolves' eyes are to be yellow, but besides that, good job on the character.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
I'll be finishing my Vincent template up shortly. It is noteworthy to clarify that he is one of the ruling Nobles, thus the role-play may be slightly dictated by his actions at some times. I've found myself wondering whether it'd be beneficial to hold the other two Nobles under my control as NPCs or perhaps allow players to take up the role. If you have an idea on how I should go about this, do speak up.
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