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Speculation | Unchained X [Chi] will launch in Summer

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Ballad of Caius

Player 💀
Jan 4, 2014
Though from what I hear about Chi about a solid amount of people spending $1000 I don't think it would trickle over to our market in a way where it could get that out of hand. The US MMO community is very big about balance. They wouldn't want the negativity from that streaming over to KH3. Though if the average player spends $20-80 that would be pretty reasonable for a title that carries the name Kingdom Hearts.

Though we would have to see what exactly we can spend our money on.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
And a future I really don't look forward too. The structure for mobile games are just bad. Don't sit there and be all excited for it

When the only reason a new game is being made is to allow the overseas community to experience it, proclaiming how mobile games are worth nothing and insisting that everyone is wrong for even being remotely positive about them for little reason other than "I hate mobile games" doesn't seem to be the right way to go about it.

Of course you're definitely not the only one who feels this way, but considering that it took us years to even get the last Japanese exclusive title, it doesn't hurt to at least give it a try. You might like it, you might not, but at least you can say that you tried.
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Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
And a future I really don't look forward too. The structure for mobile games are just bad. Don't sit there and be all excited for it

Nobody condones the mobile gaming trend that exists but it is here and won't be going away anytime soon. That leaves you with a few options:

1) You can check out the free game and see if you actually enjoy it before deciding its not worth being excited about
2) Continue on ignoring mobile games with the knowledge that your decision against playing alters nothing in the long run for mobile gaming because for every person who doesn't play, there are at least another ten who will


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
As long as it isn't one of those games that go "oh! Your wielder is tired and must rest for an hour! You can speed up his sleep for $2!" I'll suffer through everything else but as soon as a game makes me wait until i can play or pay money to play, I'm deleting it. It won't matter in the long run like spockanort said but its on principle, and its also a pretty shitty scheme to run on players.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
As long as it isn't one of those games that go "oh! Your wielder is tired and must rest for an hour! You can speed up his sleep for $2!" I'll suffer through everything else but as soon as a game makes me wait until i can play or pay money to play, I'm deleting it. It won't matter in the long run like spockanort said but its on principle, and its also a pretty shitty scheme to run on players.

In the PC version, there is AP that limits how many actions you can do in a period of time. Every time you level up you refresh that AP and I believe you also begin to increase your AP level so you can do more actions.

Please keep in mind this kind of stuff is done to make sure players aren't spending endless hours playing. It is not only a health concern but there are a handful of cases where people die from this kind of behavior, so having limitations on your actions encourages people to move on to other things rather than say spending all day sitting and tapping to win in a dumb game.

I should also repeat what I've said in other threads in that these games are not meant to be played in long sittings. You play them in small bursts when you have free time during the day. This is how social games work and as frustrating as limitations like this are, I actually prefer having them. It keeps you from getting overly addicted. If people want to be addicted and spend money to replenish AP, then that is their decision but they have to make the monetary sacrifice for it.

There are fights worthy of taking sides on. A dumb mobile gaming trend that will die out once the mobile gaming bubble bursts is not one of them. You don't have to support the practice, which is easily done by not spending any money in IAP. You can also avoid downloading shitty games that are clearly made just to take your money, and chi is hardly one of those games when people, again, have successfully been able to play chi without paying a dime.

Just knowing Nomura's character as a whole should be enough to understand that chi coming to mobile is not some desire to take the world's money. There were certainly business reasons specifically centered on how much money could be made from Unchained X, but Nomura was probably thinking about "How can we get western fans to be able to enjoy this game that people seem to enjoy so much in Japan?"
Jul 12, 2006
Saint Louis
In the PC version, there is AP that limits how many actions you can do in a period of time. Every time you level up you refresh that AP and I believe you also begin to increase your AP level so you can do more actions.

Please keep in mind this kind of stuff is done to make sure players aren't spending endless hours playing. It is not only a health concern but there are a handful of cases where people die from this kind of behavior, so having limitations on your actions encourages people to move on to other things rather than say spending all day sitting and tapping to win in a dumb game.
If this was really done for our benefit why would they allow us to pay to continue playing. While I am fully aware of the health risks it presents this is primarily done for money. To my knowledge there is no law that states a need for a "Time Spent on Video Games Tax".

I should also repeat what I've said in other threads in that these games are not meant to be played in long sittings. You play them in small bursts when you have free time during the day. This is how social games work and as frustrating as limitations like this are, I actually prefer having them. It keeps you from getting overly addicted. If people want to be addicted and spend money to replenish AP, then that is their decision but they have to make the monetary sacrifice for it.
Why should we have to pay for something like that. If I have a 3 hours during the day that I can play nonstop why should I be forced to play at intervals if it conflicts with my schedule.

There are fights worthy of taking sides on. A dumb mobile gaming trend that will die out once the mobile gaming bubble bursts is not one of them. You don't have to support the practice, which is easily done by not spending any money in IAP. You can also avoid downloading shitty games that are clearly made just to take your money, and chi is hardly one of those games when people, again, have successfully been able to play chi without paying a dime.
That is a relief.

Just knowing Nomura's character as a whole should be enough to understand that chi coming to mobile is not some desire to take the world's money. There were certainly business reasons specifically centered on how much money could be made from Unchained X, but Nomura was probably thinking about "How can we get western fans to be able to enjoy this game that people seem to enjoy so much in Japan?"
I don't think anyone is saying they mistrust Nomura and I think it's apparent his reason for releasing the game to the West, however the people that make the business decisions for this game could easily turn this into a cashgrab.


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
I trust nomura but having limits removable with money wasn't Nomura worrying for our health, it was square's way of making bank. I wouldn't ever spend hours on a flash player/mobile game and I can't imagine people that would but judging by billions of dollars invested and news stories of people dying from long periods I understand it is a problem. I never questioned the quality of the game but whether its angry birds or mass effect iOS, paying to play is still a questionable method unless you're looking at it from a business perspective in which it makes perfect sense.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
If this was really done for our benefit why would they allow us to pay to continue playing. While I am fully aware of the health risks it presents this is primarily done for money. To my knowledge there is no law that states a need for a "Time Spent on Video Games Tax".

Honestly, you have a few options when it comes to this. Be patient and just wait for your points to recharge automatically, or use potions/ethers to manually replenish them. You can obtain them through missions and login rewards. I very rarely use mine outside of events, and quite frankly, I don't remember the last time I even saw my stock fall below the 999 cap. I seriously have THAT many. It's become so easy to get more of them that I can basically never run out at this point.

Why should we have to pay for something like that. If I have a 3 hours during the day that I can play nonstop why should I be forced to play at intervals if it conflicts with my schedule.

I will withhold any judgement as to why you would choose to play this for 3 hours straight over doing literally anything else.

I don't think anyone is saying they mistrust Nomura and I think it's apparent his reason for releasing the game to the West, however the people that make the business decisions for this game could easily turn this into a cashgrab.

All F2P mobile/social games are cashgrabs, and this is hardly the exception. They're giving you the entire game for free but you can choose to pay a little extra if you want to achieve more in a shorter period of time. You don't need to in order to progress, and those achievements are easily obtainable without paying a dime. It's merely an option that you have if you choose to use it.

That money is then used to continue paying for the game's servers and supporting further development.

I trust nomura but having limits removable with money wasn't Nomura worrying for our health, it was square's way of making bank. I wouldn't ever spend hours on a flash player/mobile game and I can't imagine people that would but judging by billions of dollars invested and news stories of people dying from long periods I understand it is a problem. I never questioned the quality of the game but whether its angry birds or mass effect iOS, paying to play is still a questionable method unless you're looking at it from a business perspective in which it makes perfect sense.

chuman i swear your opinion changes every single time you see someone post something that doesn't agree with what you already posted


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
@sign my opinion didn't change. Maybe you misunderstood but I feel the same way I did, once a game tells me i have to wait a while or pay money I'm through with it. All I added was I get why they're doing it, it is a sensible thing to make money, but it isn't for mine or your well being. I'm fine if anyone else would like to spend money but I would not. Can you clarify what changed? Maybe I typed my post quickly but I didn't change my mind.
Jul 12, 2006
Saint Louis
I trust nomura but having limits removable with money wasn't Nomura worrying for our health, it was square's way of making bank.I never questioned the quality of the game but whether its angry birds or mass effect iOS, paying to play is still a questionable method unless you're looking at it from a business perspective in which it makes perfect sense.

I agree completely. It's a business decision and quite honestly a frustrating one. I'd prefer a cosmetic cash shop, or at least something that doesn't restrict playing time.


New member
Nov 6, 2014
@sign my opinion didn't change. Maybe you misunderstood but I feel the same way I did, once a game tells me i have to wait a while or pay money I'm through with it. All I added was I get why they're doing it, it is a sensible thing to make money, but it isn't for mine or your well being. I'm fine if anyone else would like to spend money but I would not. Can you clarify what changed? Maybe I typed my post quickly but I didn't change my mind.

The thing is Chi is a lot more generous than other similar games. Getting potions to refill your AP gets so ridiculously easy it doesn't matter. Its not hard to get decent or cool looking cards but of course there will be cash only ones. The only thing the crazy nuts are spending way to much money on are the key art cards(cutscenes). Its more than possible to get a maxed out deck without paying.

The real question is whether or not square will keep this generosity going with unchained or if they'll suck us dry like IdolMasters ML did to my friend.
Jul 12, 2006
Saint Louis
The thing is Chi is a lot more generous than other similar games. Getting potions to refill your AP gets so ridiculously easy it doesn't matter. Its not hard to get decent or cool looking cards but of course there will be cash only ones. The only thing the crazy nuts are spending way to much money on are the key art cards(cutscenes). Its more than possible to get a maxed out deck without paying.

The real question is whether or not square will keep this generosity going with unchained or if they'll suck us dry like IdolMasters ML did to my friend.
That relaxes me a little bit. Thank you. It seems a lot more balanced. How much do people spend on the cutscene cards?
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